Summer of '76

Category Archives: New York

Getting to Europe in the ’70s, take 2

Young people traveled to Europe in large numbers in the late 1960s and into the 1970s. Since they were mostly “low-budget” travelers, they looked for air fare bargains to get across the Atlantic. I wrote an earlier post about the low-price leader on that route, Icelandic Airlines. Recently I ran across an article in Time … Read More

Also posted in air travel, blog, Europe, Luxembourg | Comments closed

Getting to Europe in the ’70s

Icelandic ad from autumn 1975

Americans hiking around Europe came there in a variety of ways, just like they used a variety of ways for getting around the continent once there. The undisputed “hippie airline” was Icelandic (or Loftleiðir). In the 1960s and 1970s airfares from the US to Europe were regulated by IATA (the International Air Transport Association). However, … Read More

Also posted in air travel, blog, Europe, Luxembourg | Comments closed
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